Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Just Talking...

Ego: This is another area of human-being I do not understand. Perhaps because I do not have it. You know how a new-born child is like? Without any ego. So, with a lack of ego, it has been extremely difficult for me to connect to people. Because people-with-ego don't like to hear the truth. And I don't know how to be diplomatic, ever. So? I become the bad person. Not that I mind. But I feel sad that people get upset, or anything negative. Everybody should be happy, always. Everybody should be at peace, at all times. Life is short, and I have no right to cause any pain to anyone, I think.

Anyhow. As Swami Vivekananda says "Anything can be sacrificed for truth, but truth cannot be sacrificed for anything". And being the incorrigible fan of SV, I refuse to change in this area of my being. It is better to shed tears in solitude while going through pain, rather than to deviate from ideals of life.

God bless you all.


satish said...

I am eternally in doubt about what my identity is. For a long time, I thought that I didn't have ego. Till a friend asked me if my ego was stopping me from seeking his help. It's surprising how far I'm going to help people but not seek help from them. Is that ego?

I'm not sure how many people, if asked, will say that they have ego. Somewhere, I think, ego got a bad personality and it wouldn't be good for a healthy self image to associate with it.

While I'm on the preachy mode, let me take a moment to stress that always and never are very strong word. They give an impression of ever elusive surety.

Mishti said...

Thank you for your thorough analysis, Satish. Gives me a new perspective to learn about....

About your not seeking help, well, it may not be ego alone. It may be your sensitivity (which has got a good personality, btw :) about how it will impact the time and resource of the another person. It may be about your 'trying harder' spirit until you get it right...or something else. Or, it could be your ego as well. You may know..if you introspect deeper.

The spiritual truth that I am aware about is: There are 2 types of Ego --> (1) good Ego, (2) Bad Ego.

Good ego nurtures our sensitivity, helps us discriminate between the right and wrong, & gives us the 'righteous direction' of the journey of Life. So, (1) good Ego has got a good personality :)

Bad ego nurtures "negative thoughts", and hence must be shunned, without delay. It throttles human growth and blocks the path to harmony & peace. So, (2) Bad ego has got a bad personality.

I agree that 'always' and 'never' are strong words. In fact, with that, I indeed will make effort to refrain from using them. Because, truly, am a student of Life and I think I do have the good Ego in me :)