Friday, April 18, 2014

After a long hiatus :-)

Hello Nirwa, Satish, Madhavi, and Others :-)

It's been long since I had last written anything on a Blog. So much has happened in the past few years that I feel I've become quite a mature woman now to handle all the attention :P once again :D haha....just kidding ^_^ 

Am all set now to start learning anew and start catching up with the world with a renewed confidence. Before I start off with regular updates on my Blog, let me just briefly say what's going on right now in my life: (1) Job (2) social work (3) Sarode (4) planning to start oil-painting once again (5) supporting & inspiring young entrepreneurs in Kolkata (6) and ofcourse, Blogging :-)

I thank each one of you for being there with me, for real, all these years, when I went missing in action on the blogosphere, however, you let me get to know you in person. Am indeed grateful for your friendship. 

So that's all for today and tonight.
Wish you all a grand weekend ahead ! :-)

God bless you.
Mishti :-)


Nirwa Mehta said...

:) never stop being the fountain of positivity that you are. :)

Mishti said...

Thank you Nirwa :-)

I'll try to be the best I could be, and well, you inspire me to stay a big way :-)

God bless you.